Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Big Move West...finally revealed! We're going to Denver!!

That's right, we're headed to Denver next! Not on vacation, not for a horse show, but to actually settle in one spot for a while! 

Remember when Billy went to that Tech Stars conference? He met the co-founder of Galvanize, a company that serves as an umbrella organization for a bunch of start-up companies in Denver. One of these start-ups is called gSchool. gSchool is a coding (as in computer programming, website building) school that was created to provide students with a high-caliber, immersive education in coding that spans 6 months.

If you're wondering, "Why coding school?", the answer is simple. The number one frustration Billy and Tony have had while working on Military Traveler, especially with the recent website launch, is knowing nothing about coding. Having not only a basic knowledge, but an in-depth knowledge with great training, will make their daily lives MUCH easier. I'm really excited for Billy and he is too. It's an amazing opportunity, plus it's in a really cool city!

We're really looking forward to getting to Denver...emphasis on being excited to actually be there. Right now, we're attempting to coordinate our cross-country move, but all of Billy's furniture from his apartment in DC is tied up in military storage. I'd always heard horror stories involving depending on the goverment to move you, but now I'm living it. It's really not that bad, but it is a logistical nightmare since the stuff is en route to Indianapolis and can't be changed. So, we have to wait in Indy to see when it arrives (sometime between now and the 28th of August) and gSchool starts September 9th! Yikes. Not very much time, but we'll figure it out...we always do :)

Plus, if we can live in a hotel room together for five weeks without killing each other, I think we can get through anything!

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