Friday, August 23, 2013

On the road again...

After a brief 14 hour day of driving, we have arrived in Indianapolis-our first stop on our route west.

We spent the morning jamming everything we own into Billy's car (and by that I mean I brought everything to the car and watched Billy strategically pack). After sneaking in a few more pairs of shoes (ok that was just me) and giving my parents and the dogs LOTS of hugs, we were off to Indy.

We stopped at my favorite Sheetz in Morgantown for gas on our way up, and lo and behold, we saw the Google Streeview car! Unfortunately, we won't be appearing on Google Streetview in Morgantown anytime soon since it was just stopped to get gas. There's always something interesting in Morgantown!

We stopped for dinner in Columbus at my cousin Karen and her boyfriend Jason's house, which was a welcome break after driving all day and suffering through lunch at McDonald's. We have officially visited the entire Lewis family (Karen is Sarah's sister/Aunt Sue and Uncle Randy's daughter), which has been really fun! 

Karen and Jason have a great apartment and we had a blast swapping funny stories and catching up. I almost snorted ice cream out of my nose at one point we were laughing so hard. They are both architects, so their apartment was expertly put together and we also really enjoyed getting to see their new office project that Jason has been working diligently on! He had a photo montage of what the building looked like originally, all the improvement they've been doing on it, as well as drawings for what they plan to do. They're both really talented, so it's cool to get to see what their next project is!

Jamie gets a cameo. Gus the cat not pictured.
 After dinner, we pressed onward to Indianapolis, finally pulling in at around midnight. Billy drove the entire way (he's super-human when it comes to driving) and was exhausted by the time we got in. Since it was so late, we'd have to wait until the morning to see his dad and step-mom (and until the afternoon to see Mia), so we quietly dragged our stuff upstairs and went straight to bed.

Now, we're waiting in Indy for Billy's furniture to (hopefully) arrive! The last time we talked to the moving company, they informed us "there's no guarantees in moving." Wee!

Until then, we started off our time here with a rousing slam dunk contest. Videos for your entertainment:

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