About the Blog

Why did you decide your life was interesting enough to make a blog about? 
Billy and I were going on a road trip in June 2013 and after having a hard time keeping both of our extended families updated (and by that I mean I didn't feel like typing out a bunch of different emails), I decided to be one of "those people" who has a blog! I had no idea how many of our friends and family members were really into it until I stopped writing after the road trip. Both of our families were pretty offended by this, so I caved to the pressure and started the updates back up! 

I work for an equestrian PR company and Billy is running a start-up company (*cough* go download Base Directory *cough* *cough*), so we have the luxury of being able to work remotely from wherever we can find an Internet connection. My job means I travel to horse shows a fair amount and we keep finding ourselves on the move, so it's been fun to keep everyone updated since we're fairly hard to keep track of! Most of the time, we're enjoying life in Denver after moving to Colorado in late 2013.

Who or what is Hansel?
If at this point you're still wondering who Hansel is, or why there are occasionally pictures of plastic dinosaurs on the blog, let me explain. When Billy got sick last summer, I bought him a bunch of goofy toys from the "Summer Fun" aisle in Giant, including a "Hatch Your Own Dinosaur" egg. We plopped the egg in a glass of water, and 24 hours later, Hansel was born. Now, Hansel travels with us wherever we go. The multitude of photo ops we've already taken with him inspired the name of the blog.


What about that other little dinosaur?
That's Byron. At the end of the road trip that inspired this blog, we were at Cracker Barrel for breakfast (for the second day in a row!) in Lexington, Kentucky. While Billy was paying our bill at the cashier, I decided to wander around the toy section (aka the best part of Cracker Barrel) when I stumbled upon the same Hatch-a-Dino eggs that Hansel came from. Billy and I couldn't handle twins, so we opted to get a brontosaurus instead. We hatched him in my parents' kitchen and named him based on the most ridiculous/obscure name we could think of to follow in his dino brother's footsteps.

Now, they both go everywhere with us, but we've been pretty bad about remembering to actually take them out of the car. I did pry them off the dashboard once I realized they were starting to melt in the 100 degree heat of August in Indiana. 

Where did you get that fantastic stock photo for your header?

From my iPhone! Seriously, we took that picture when were at Lake Champlain. Jealous?
Then go visit Burlington because it's amazing!!

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